Around the world in 80 Days. Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

Chapter 1

1. who was Phileas Fogg?
  • Phileas Fogg was the owner of house No:7 Savile Row London in which  Sheridan had died in 1816.
2. How is 'Master' Phileas Fogg introduced in the novel?
  • Little was known about Fogg, he was a perfect gentleman who spoke as little as possible.  His silence made him all the more mysterious.
3. How was he different from the preceding owner of Saville Row?
  • Sheridan was an Irish playwright and poet and owner of London Theater Royal, Drury Lane.  Good orator too.  But Foggy spoke as little as possible and his silence made him more mysterious.
4.Why had Fogg removed James Foster from his employment?
  • 2nd October, he had dismissed  James Foster, because the man had brought his shaving water at the temperature of 84 degrees instead of the correct 86.
5. How did Phileas Fogg live his life?

  • He lived by himself in the house in Savile Row.  He seemed to have no relations.  He launched and dined at the Reform Club.  Daily in the same room and at the same table and always alone.  There was a mathematical regularity in all that he did.  He went home from the club at 11.30 in the evening and out of the twenty-four hours of the day he spend half at home and half at the club.


1. Give an interesting description of Jean Passepartout, What explanation did he give for his unusual name?
  • Jean Passepartout means ability to get out of trouble.  He has done many different things to earn a living,  he was an Honest fellow, He had done street singing, high Jumping, tight rope walking, became a teacher of gymnastics.  He was a fireman in Paris. Now he has come to serve Fogg in Peace and Quietness.

Chapter 2

1. How did Phileas Fogg promise to be the man Passepartout could like and admire?
  • Jean Passepartout for years he had been looking for a master whom he could like and admire.  But he could not find a master who could be a friend and master. His odd jobs gave valuable experiences of life.  After a noisy life he came to Fogg.  After a short interview Passepartout realized his master's character as man of silence.  The made him admire him and like him.
2. Give a brief physical description of the master and his new employee?
  • Phileas  was forty.  His face was noble and handsome, tall, his hair is fair, his face without wrinkles and teeth excellent he was even tempered and well balanced.
  • Jean Passepartout was gentle,cheerful face and frank blue eyes, broad and big with a muscular strength that had been well developed by the exercise of his youth.  his hair was brown and ruffled.
3. 'This will suit me to the ground' What was Passepartout referring to?  Why would it suit him?
  • He refers to the silent discipline life of Fogg. Passepartout inspected the master's house.  It was clean well arranged, he had electric bells and speaking tubes in his room that were connected with his master's rooms.  Two time keepers bear the same second at the very same instant.  These discipline arrangements would suit him
4. What was Fogg's programme that 'delighted his valet?
  • Instructions stated the daily routine from morning when Fogg got up, until  half past eleven when he went to reform club till half past eleven at night.  Tea and toast at twenty three minutes past eight, showing water at thirty seven minutes past nine, hairdressing at twenty minutes to ten. this progamme was sheer delight to Passepartout.
5. Passepartout was anxious to settle down and take roots with an owner who seemed to be a man of
    'peaceful habits'. What was the irony in the statement?
  • The irony was Passepartout wanted to have a peacful life without going around.  But he didnt not realize that very soon it would be a busy, noisy and unrest working schedule for him.
6. Describe Phileas Fogg as seen through the eyes of Passepartout?
  • Everything revealed the owner to be a bman of most peaceful habits.
7. What sort of person was Jeans Passepartout?
  • Jean Passepartout was a simple gentle and obliging man, honest with cheerful face with frank and blue eyes.  He is implusive and open hearted.


1. What was Fogg's daily time table?
  • Instructions stated the daily routine from morning when Fogg got up, until half past eleven,when he went to reform club till half past eleven at night.  Tea and toast at twenty three minutes past eight, shaving water at thirty seven minutes past nine, hairdressing at twenty minutes to ten.
2. What was special about his wardrobe?
  • every pair of trousers, coat and waist coat had a number and there was a time table stating the date on which  each number was to be worn in turn according  to the time of year.  Same for the boots and shoes.

Chapter 3

1. what events reveal the routine that Fogg followed every time he visited the Reform Club?
  • When he had put down his right foot five hundred and seventy five times and his left foot fie hundred and seventy six time.
2. Find Five examples to reveal the Phileas Fogg had a habit of measuring everything to the last number?
  • Half past eleven Fogg had left his house.  He had his lunch at Forty seven minutes past twelve he read the Times news paper until forty five minutes past three and at twenty minutes to six he read Chronicles.
3.Briefly describes the motley group of friends that God had in his play circle?
Group of Friends:
  • Andrew Stuart - The Engineer
  • Sullivan and Samuel - Bankers
  • Thomas Flanagan - The Brewer
  • Gauthier Ralph - Governor of the Bank of England.
4. What were the terms of the wager spelled out by Phileas Fogg and his whist mates?
  • Go around the world in 80 days. No allowance for rough weather and wrecks.
5. At the club what did Mr.Fogg's breakfast consist of?
  • Boiled Fish with sauce roast beef, Fruit tart and cheese and Tea.
6. Name Phileas's follow whist players?
  • Andrew Stuart, Sullivan, Samuel, Thomas Flanagan and Gauthier Ralph.
7. why did Mr.Fogg say the world had become smaller?
  • When they discussed about the Robbery which occurred on 29th September, Andrew Stuart said about the Government's reward to catch the thief in case the thief escape to another country. Ralph said that was quite impossible as the world was large.  Then Mr.Fogg refused to accept that and said the wold was big once but at present it has become smaller by means of the mode of transport.
8. What was the reward offered for the recovery of the stolen money?
  • Two Thousand pounds.


1. Relay the sequence of events that lead to the famous wager that the world  had got smaller and it would take no more than 80 days to go around it.  What do you think made Phileas do it?
  • It was not the reward money or the wager that made Mr.Fogg to agree to travel around the world.  but it was Mr.Fogg's determination for challenge and to prove that he was correct.
2. Gambling is as old a story to Indians as the story of Mahabharatha.  Do you think Fogg did something heroic by gambling away his saving for the wager?
  • Yes Mr.Fogg was heroic, because if he loose the bet he would loose large sum of money. He takes all sorts of risk to complete the task.
3. What was the bet?  Describe briefly what had happened at the club?
  • When they discussed about the Robbery which occurred on 29th September, Andrew Stuart said about the Government's reward to catch the thief in case the thief escapes to another country. Ralph said that was quite impossible as the world was large.  Then Mr.Fogg refused to accept that and said the wold was big once but at present it has become smaller by means of the mode of transport. So the Friends brought the Question  to Mr.Fogg whether it is possible to complete a journey around the world.  Mr.Fogg explained them the possibility to go around the world in 80 days. Then they made the bet to Mr.Fogg to do it to prove his statement true.
4. Is betting foolish?  Give two arguments for and against it?
  • Betting is foolish as a person could face humiliation and insults in case he fails.
  • For some it is thrilling and exciting and adventurous as they might win the bet by luck.

Chapter 4

1.What instructions did Phileas give to the shocked Passepartout?
  • He told that they were leaving for Dover in ten minutes. He instructed to get ready with a travelling bag.
2. Name three manuals that he armed himself with before starting the journey?
  • Bradshaw's Continental Railways, Steamship and General Guide.
3. Analyse the series of questions that crossed the valet's mind? What was he worried about?
  • Was he Mad? Was it a Joke? Passepartout is worried about his master because his master was a perfect cool gentleman.
4. Which strange event confirmed Passepartout's admiration for his master?
  • Even though Mr.Fogg was in a hurry, he gave twenty guineas to a poor beggar woman standing barefoot in the mud with a child at her side.
5. Who had come to bid them farewell?  What did Fogg promise them?
  • Ralp, Andrew Stuart came bid farewell.  Fogg promised them  he would get various visas of all the countries he goes as a proof.
6. Why did Passepartout not reply when Mr.Fogg called him?
  • It was not Twelve o'clock. All the day routines go according to the time of Mr.Fogg. so he didnt reply as Mr.Fogg called him earlier.
7. What preparations did they make for their journey?
  • They took two shirts and three pairs of socks, rain coat and travelling rug and strong boots to Passepartout.
8. What had Passepartout forgotten? Was Mr.Fogg annoyed?
  • Passepartout forgot to put out the light.  No Mr.Fogg was not annoyed.


1. Describe thefirst stage of travel as the duo embarked on the epic journey.  What would be your preparation if you were to go on such a long journey?
  • Mr.Fogg and Passepartout took a travelling bad with two shirts, three pairs of sock,raincoat, travelling rug and boots for passepartout.  They took their way to Dover first. At the station he helped a poor beggar woman. Fogg's friends came to bid farewell. Mr.Fogg promised to get visas as a proof. Then the journey started without any disturbances.
  • If I go I will take my parents with me and also the first aid box, canned foods and fruits and fresh Juice.
2. Describe the events at the station?
  • They took their way to Dover first. At the station he helped a poor beggar woman. Fogg's friends came to bid farewell. Mr.Fogg promised to get visas as a proof. Then the journey started without any disturbances.

Chapter 5

1. What kind of a sensation was created in the world about the journey?
  • The wager soon became a sensation, it was read in all newspapers throughout the country.
  • Women took Fogg's side as he looked handsome. 
  • Men become too excited to discuss about this journey.
2. How did the article in the Report in Geographical Society judge the adventure?
  • Report of Geographical Society pointed out the folly of the Enterprise.  Because Fogg had everything against him such as Engine troubles, derailments, storms,fogs, Punctuality of boat and train, missing a ship or boat.  All these make the adventure a folly.
3. Did it influence the people against Phileas?  How?
  • This article influenced everyone. They know the Englishman is inclined to bet and the general public had so many wagers either for or against Mr.Fogg.  Numbers were increased to a hundred or more against his chances of success.
4. Why do you think Lord Albermarle took a 'foolish risk' of betting on phileas Fogg?
  • Lord Albermarle was unable to move from is chair because of paralysis.  He bet five thousand pound on Phileas Fogg.  He said, "If the thing can be done it is good that an Englishman should be thefirst to do it"  he is such a patriot.
5. What strange event maked the seventh day of the much talked about journey?
  • By 9th October, A telegram was received by the chief of police in London.  It said, "Am following bank thief, Phileas Fogg. send warrant for arrest to Bombay.

1. The English people were most excited about Fogg a gentleman of honor, embarking on an 80 day      adventure but quick to change their judgment of him? Explain?
  • Report of Geographical Society pointed out the folly of the Enterprise.  Because Fogg had everything against him such as Engine troubles, derailments, storms,fogs, Punctuality of boat and train, missing a ship or boat.  All these make the adventure a folly.
  • This article influenced everyone. They know the Englishman is inclined to bet and the general public had so many wagers either for or against Mr.Fogg.  Numbers were increased to a hundred or more against his chances of success.
2.What did the telegram say?  Give an account of what happened?
  • By 9th October, A telegram was received by the chief of police in London.  It said, "Am following bank thief, Phileas Fogg. send warrant for arrest to Bombay.

Chapter 6

1. Research on the significance of the Suez canal. What role did it play in Fogg's journey?
  • Suez canal an Artificial sea level water in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean sea to the Red sea through the Isthmus of Suez,It is often considered to define the border between Africa and Asia. Constructed by the Suez Canal Company between 1859 and 1869, it officially opened on 17 November 1869. The canal offers watercraft a more direct route between the North Atlantic and northern Indian oceans via the Mediterranean and Red seas.
2. Describe typical day at the quay?
  • Crowd of traders, sailors and porters became more animated when the ship arrived.  The town of Suez shone in the sunshine and the long quay stretched like an arm for two thousand yards out into the harbor.  Several fishing boats and coastal crafts could be seen
3.Why did the detective's hands shake as he saw the passport?
  • The detective's hand shook because it was Mr.Fogg's passport in Passepartout's hand.  He read for the description of the passenger was exactly the same as he had received of the suspected thief.
4. Who was Mr.Fix?  Describe the nature of his work?
  • Mr.Fix was a Detective.  His work was to arrest the wrong doers with proper evidence.
5. Give an account of What happened when one of the passengers handed a passport to Mr.Fix?
  • The detective's hand shook because it was Mr.Fogg's passport in Passepartout's hand. He asked the way to consul's office and Mr.Fix showed the way.  He took the passport from him and  He read for the description of the passenger was exactly the same as he had received of the suspected thief.


1. Detection ceases to be routine.. it is an art'.  Do you think Detective Fix was capable of practicing such an art or he was in for money?  What did you know of his character at the first meeting?
  • Detective Fix was not for money. He focused his duty with sincerity and care. He was looking for proofs and evidences  and followed Mr.Fogg patiently till the end to capture him with proper documents and evidences. 

Chapter 7

1. Why does Fix feel that passports are futile?
  • Passport gives only the personal details of a person if the details are true and in order visa and official stamps will be given.
2. Why did Fogg insist on a visa from the consul?
  • Mr.Fogg wanted proof by the visas. So he insisted on a visa from the consul.
3. 'The Frenchman will talk more freely than his master' Explain.
  • Mr.Fix decided to get closer to Jean Passepartout so as to get more information about Mr.Fogg.
4. What strange things do you notice in Fogg's journey table till he arrived at Suez?
  • Mr.Fogg had neither gained nor lost time.
5. Find Fogg's stops on the world map

Paris,Brindsi,Suez,Bombay,Calcutta,Singapore,Hong Kong,Yokohama,San Francisco,New York,Liver Pool and London.

6. Why would a thief not want to come to the consul's office?
  • The thief may get caught by the consul.
7. Why was Mr.Fix not able to arrest Mr.Fogg?
  • Mr.Fogg's passport details were in order.  Also he didn't get the arrest warrant.
8. State Mr.Fogg's reason for wanting a visa?
  • Mr.Fogg wanted to show the visas as proof to his wagers.


1. Detective Fix is a part of the legal system.  yet Fix does not believe in the legality of the system. Is he justified?
  • Mr.Fix is a detective.  He could not follow the legal system in capturing the thief.  He thought certain legality of the system may delay the arrest.  So he was so quick to follow the thief to dig more evidence against the thief to arrest.
2. He was one of those man who prefer to leave their servants to do their sightseeing or them. Explain.
  • Mr.Fogg is a cool gentleman.  he enjoyed his freedom to be quite and silent at the same time he respected the freedom of others to enjoy life.
Chapter 8

1. What did Passepartout reveal about his master's plan?
  • Passepartout told Mr.Fix about Mr.Fogg's bet to go around the world in 80 days.  He also informed about his new bank notes, his reward to the chief engineer on the Mongolia.
2. why was he actually surprised about being at the Suez in Egypt, Africa?
  • Passepartout never traveled so long journey before as he was searching a good job to settle down.  So he was surprised about being in Suez in Egypt.
3. How does Mr.Fix cleverly manage to mislead Passepartout about the time?
  • Mr.Fix started by saying the time 12 o'clock but in Passepartout's watch it was Eight minutes to Ten.  Mr.Fix advised Passepartout to adjust his watch which he refused to do.  Slowly Mr.Fix diverted the conversation about the time of their departure from London.
4. Mention four things that convinced Fix that Fogg was the criminal he hoped to catch?
  • Mr.Fogg's bet to go around the world in 80 days.
  • large sum of new bank notes in his bag.
  • Reward to the Chief Engineer on the Mangolia.
  • Passepartout said that his master had some other reasons to travel.
5. Passepartout refused to accept that his watch was running slow why?
  • He was so proud of his watch.  It was a family watch handed down from his great grand father.
6. Where did Passepartout tell Mr.Fix his master was going?
  • To Bombay.

1. Passepartout reveal important details about his master's plan.  Should he have said it?  He was    only worried about the gas light.  What does it reveal about domestic help or people in services?
  • Passepartout should not have mentioned about his master's plan to a stranger. He was in such a hurry and forgot to off the gas light. such people should be more careful and sincere in their duties.
Chapter 9
1. Briefly describe the journey on Mongolia?

  • On board the Mongolian food was good Most of the passengers on board were bound for India. Some going to Bombay, and some to Calcutta via Bombay. The new railway across the Peninsula saved the long journey round Ceylon to get to Calcutta, which was the route in the old days.
2. How did Phileas occupy himself on the sea trip?
  • He was calm and cool as ever, showing no sign of anxiety and He was seldom seen on deck, and seemed to have little interest in this famous Red sea. He played whist for four hours with three other passengers.
3. What did Passepartout and Fix discuss?

  • They discussed about India, its temples, mosques, fakirs, tigers, snakes, dancing girls.
4.  Mention three interesting things that Passepartout noticed at Aden?
  • At Aden Passepartout strolled alone among the Arabs, Somalis, Jews, Parsees and Europeans that make up Aden’s population. Later he admired the magnificent water tanks set on the rocky hills, on which English engineers were still at work two thousand years after king Solomon’s workmen had begun them.
5.  Where were most of the passengers of Mongolia going?
  • To Bombay
6. What happened when the wind blew hard from the Arabian coast?

  • When the wind blew hard from the Arabian coast. The ship rolled horribly. Such times the ladies disappeared, the pianos were silent, and there was no dancing.
7. How did Phileas Fogg and Passepartout spend their time on board the ship?
  • Fog was playing whist, and Passepartout sightseeing with great excitement.


1. 'There are temples, mosques,fakirs,tigers,snakes,dancing girls.'  Detective Fix echoes the sentiments of most people about India.  How would you rather describe your 'Incredible iIndia' to tourists?

  •  India was an excellent country with multi culture. One of the greatest countries with huge population. Beautiful people, culture, tradition and religion of India attracts the world. 

2. 'Travelling is certainly the way to see something new'.  Do you agree?  Write your travelling experiences that have introduced you to many new sights and events and experiences.
  • Yes, Travelling gives a great experience. We can explore many beautiful things when one travel.
3. What did Phileas Fogg and Passepartout do in Aden?

  •     Fog played whist, Passepartout enjoyed sightseeing.
Chapter 10

1. What magnificent sights did Fogg miss seeing?  What does this tell us about him?

  • Fog missed to see the Townhall, the museum, the docks, the cotton market, the bazaars, the mosques, and the temples and churches, he carvings at Elephanta, the remains of Buddhist architecture, the caves of Salsette Island. Mr. Fogg was focusing his mind towards his planned program.
2. Why does Fix refer to Fogg as 'his thief'?

  • Mr Fogg fixed to the description of the thief.
3. What was the 'offence on Indian soil' that Fix referred to?
  • Entering into a Hindu temple with shoes was the offence on Indian soil.
4. What route did the train take from Bombay to Calcutta?
  • The train would leave Bombay foe Calcutta at eight o’clock in the evening, then it would go through Salsette, climb the Western Ghats, go north – east to Burhanpur, turn further east to meet the Ganga river at Benares and strike south – east through Chandernagore to its journeys end at Calcutta after three days.
5. Give an account of Mr.Fix's activities in Bombay?
  • Fix had hurried to Bombay police headquarters he requested the arrest warrant as he did not get the warrant from London. But his request was refused. Only English police could give such authority to arrest a London Citizen and the law was strictly kept. So, he followed Mr. Fogg and overhead his conversation with Passepartout


1. How did Passepartout end up losing his shoes at the Indian temple?  What message does it convey to tourists who travel to foreign lands?

  • Passepartout entered into a Hindu temple with shoes It was an offence on Indian soil. So, he was flung to the ground. Three priests set upon him furiously, dragging off his shoes and socks; with loud yells. Indians follows religious rules very strictly.  Also, the foreigners should be aware of their customs and traditions.
2. Why did Passepartout find Bombay so interesting?
  •  Passepartout was fascinated by Indian life styles. There were men of all nationalities, going busily to and for about business, evening caps and hats, and turban of all shapes and sizes Parsees were celebrating a festival on that day with entertainments, dancing girls and music Passepartout enjoyed a lot.

Chapter 11

1.  Who was Sir Francis Cromarty?
  • He was a brigadier in the army
 2. What difficulty did the railway engineers face in making the railway in the Ghats?
  • The train was climbing the steeper track in the western Ghats; it was a difficult task for engineers in making the railway as the lines did not go through the hills.
3. Even though Passepartout was obstinate about his heirloom watch being right, he was extremely loyal to his master. Justify.?
  • Passepartout felt full of the spirit of adventure. He began to take his journey more seriously and became anxious about possible delays, arising the train whenever it stopped at intermediate stations throughout the day.
4. Why did the train halt suddenly?  How did they overcome the problem?
  • The train stopped by workmen’s hut because it is the end of the railway as there were no tracks. Fogg hires an elephant with the help of Passepartout for two thousand pounds. Also, he hires an excellent mahout. Kiouni is the name of the elephant.
5. Give a brief description of Sir Francis Cromarty?

  • Sir Francis was a tall man of about fifty years of age, who was a brigadier in the Army. He had gone to India in his youth and had lived there ever since except for short leaves in England at intervals.
6. Why did the train stop in the middle of a forest of trees?
  • No track lines thereafter to continue the journey.
7. Give an account of how Mr Phileas Fogg bought an elephant?
  • The train stopped in the middle of a forest of tress as there were no tracks. Most of the passengers knew of this break in the line. They had quickly engaged every kind of cart. Ox and horse to take them across the 50 miles to Allahabad. When Fogg was getting ready to walk Passepartout came with an elephant and mahout. But elephants are expensive, the Indian would not let Mr. Fogg hire the animal. At last Phileas Fogg offered two thousand pounds and hired the animal.


1. Phileas had to pay a handsome amount to buy the elephant and hire a mahout, but Kiouni saved the day!  Was it an example of cruelty to animals in those times?  Are most people insensitive to animals?
  • Yes, it is not a kind act to hire an animal. Yes, most Indians are sensitive to animals as they worship it as a sacred one in religion.

2. Explain in your own words why Passepartout's watch was slow?
  • He did not adjust the watch according to the Sun.

Chapter 12

   1. Compare the reactions of the Englishmen with those of the Frenchman as they rode the large elephant?
  • The passengers were shaken by the trotting of the elephant, but Mr. Fogg and Sir Francis bore the discomfort with the most perfect British unconcern. But Passepartout kept his tongue from getting between his teeth, Between the bumps he managed to laugh at his own antics.
  2. What made the trip through the wildness thrilling for Passepartout?

  • He heard the sound of monkeys, they made faces at them. The only sounds were the distant cries of a lonely panther or cheetah and the chattering of monkeys.
3. Describe the procession in your own words?
  • Morning six o’clock they were off again. Suddenly Kiouni stopped. They all listened to the strange sounds. There were voices and the sound of drums. The guide jumped and led the elephant to where it would be hidden by thick bushes. First came the priest in flowing robes, surrounded by men and women singing to the drums and cymbals. Behind them four Oxen drew a large wooden cart on wheels, on which stood a huge statue of Kali, around the status a group of fakirs danced with wild antics, their bodies painted yellow and red. Next came some priests in their ceremonial robes leading a young woman.
4. Give an account of the strange ceremony the visitors saw?
  • She seemed weak and hardly able to walk. Her skin was white and she was covered with jewels, her shoulders, head, arms, hands and feet were all hung wit gold and gems over the muslin garment that she wore. Behind her walked armed guards with knives and behind them they carried a dead man on a litter. This was the body of an aged rajah, clothed in rich clothes, he wore a turban with pearls, a robe of silk and gold, a sash studded with diamonds and the weapons of an Indian prince.
5. How would a widow be treated in 'Wilder' parts of India according to Sir Francis?
  • The treatment of a widow sometimes worse. Her relations would probably shave off her hair give her very little food and put her away like an unclean creature, leaving her all alone, A widow throws herself, leaving her husband’s funeral pyre. She will be burnt with the dead man at early dawn.

1. You are Phileas Fogg.  Your guide informs you of the cruel practice of 'sati' - a custom where the widow is burnt at the pyre with the dead body of her husband.  how would you react?  What would you think about a country like India?
  • I will be shocked and sad.
2. What had happened to the widow and what did Mr Fogg propose to do?
  • They rook her to be burnt. Mr Fogg decided to save her as he had time 12 hours to spare

Chapter 13

1. What warning did the guide give them?  Was he serious?
  • He warned them that if they were caught, they might be tortured and killed. Yes, he was serious.
    2. What does Aouda's life reveal about the Indian marriages?

  • Indian marriage are very complicated issue. They get marry if their parents command and wish. They would get marry only after seeing the compatibility of their horoscopes. There were no question of personal opinions, and personal wishes.  They give importance to the caste for the marriage.
3. Briefly describe how Passepartout came to the rescue?
  • Time passed, thinking helplessly about their problem. They lay down under some trees. Passepartout moved away in the darkness and climbed in to low branches of a tree next day. The priest got ready for the funeral ceremony. The noise of the chanting and the drums continued and the widow was lying beside the dead man on the pyre. A torch was held to the bottom of the wood soaked with oil and it blazed up at once, but there was a sudden cry of terror from the crowd, and the people fell on their knees in fear. It seemed as if the dead rajah rose up like a spirit from the flames. He stopped to lift the young widow in his arms, carried her down through the clouds of smoke, and moved swiftly between the bowed forms of the priests and people in the half – light of the dawn. He had taken advantage of the smoke and the darkness to snatch the widow from the very fires of death.
4. Describe the young widow?

  • Her name was Aouda. She was the beautiful daughter of a wealthy Bombay Merchant who had given her a very good education and high ambitions that she might make a good marriage. When her mother had died, he had married her to this rajah against her will, only three months before, it had been said that she had once escaped, but that she had been recaptured.  
5. What did the scene outside the temple building look like?
  •       There were furious shouts from many who tried to chase them.

1. How do you think you felt if you were Phileas Fogg when you realized that the lady you wished to rescue from the clutches of the evil people was actually courageously rescued by your servant?
  • I will be happy and appreciate.  For Fogg does not have time to give importance for these small matter as Mr Fogg was occupied with his wager.
2. Describe the scene at the funeral in your own words?
  • Time passed, thinking helplessly about their problem. They lay down under some trees. Passepartout moved away in the darkness and climbed in to low branches of a tree next day. The priest got ready for the funeral ceremony. The noise of the chanting and the drums continued and the widow was lying beside the dead man on the pyre. A torch was held to the bottom of the wood soaked with oil and it blazed up at once, but there was a sudden cry of terror from the crowd, and the people fell on their knees in fear. It seemed as if the dead rajah rose up like a spirit from the flames. He stopped to lift the young widow in his arms, carried her down through the clouds of smoke, and moved swiftly between the bowed forms of the priests and people in the half – light of the dawn. He had taken advantage of the smoke and the darkness to snatch the widow from the very fires of death.
Chapter 14

1. why did Fix finally congratulate himself?
  • According to his plan Mr Fogg and Passepartout were arrested by the Calcutta police.
2. What punishment did the judge announce to Fogg and Passepartout?
  •  Fifteen days in prison, and fine of three hundred pounds.
  • For the master eight days’ imprisonment and a fine of one hundred and fifty pounds.
3. How did the master and servant escape the sentence?
  • Mr. Fogg was prepared to give bail and paid two thousand pounds.
4. Why should Aouda not have remained in India?
  • Aouda should not remain in India, because she would be in danger of recapture.
5. What happened to Mr Fogg and Passepartout when they reached the station in Calcutta?

  • They were arrested by Calcutta police.
6. Give an account of the events at the court?
  • Once they landed in Calcutta, they both were arrested by the Calcutta Police.  Mr Fix congratulated himself at the sight of Mr Fogg under the arm of the law at last.  The offence was admitted by Mr Fogg calmly.  Then the judge proceeded to sentence Passepartout to Fifteen days in prison and a fine of three hundred pounds. And for the master Eight days' imprisonment and a fine of one hundred and fifty pounds as he must be held responsible for his servant.  But  Phileas Fogg was cool and he stood up and said that he was prepared to give bail.  He took two thousand pounds for bail and came out to continue their journey.

1. Do you think that Fogg was a spendthrift and spent his precious savings impulsively?  How could he have used his money wisely?
  • No. He was spending wisely as he planned. He could have been more accurate and strict with his servant Passepartout.
Chapter 15

1. What does Passepartout end up telling Fix?  Is he innocent or just gullible?
  • He told the entire story of Aouda's situation and escape adventure to Mr Fix.  Passepartout was too innocent to believe him for he would like to share his heroic adventure with someone.
2. It was surely not a coincidence meeting Fix again and again.  What did Passepartout conclude about Fix?
  • Passepartout was secretly puzzled to see that Mr Fix was on the same boat.  At last he  decided that the members of the Reform club must have sent a man to follow Mr Fogg to see if he really did go round the world.
3. Why was Mr Phileas Fogg cool and distant to Aouda's earnest thanks?
  • Mr Fogg was so focused on completing his journey successfully.
5. What did Mr Fix want to do in Hong Kong?
  • Mr Fix wanted to make the arrest on British Soil in Hong Kong.  It would be his last chance in the East.

1. The master and valet travel across many a continent.  Some of them the British colonies!  They come across various nationalities too.  What was the theme that Jules Verne was trying to portray?
  • Mr Fogg was able to see and meet many strangers of different countries with different cultures.  Travelling is a great experience which would teach you many good and hard things of life.
2. Describe the island of Singapore.
  • The Island of Singapore has many beautiful trees and the countryside looked fresh and lovely groves of palm trees, ferns of gorgeous beauty, sago palms and clove and nutmeg trees.  Mischievous monkeys swung gracefully from branch to branch. It was such a clean country and all were very responsible to keep their country clean.
Chapter 16

  1.What happened on 3rd and 4th November that threatened Fogg's victory?
  • On the 3rd and 4th of November, the gales increased and the Rangoon began to roll heavily, the caption slowed down still more, for safety’s sake.
 2. How did Passepartout overcome his seasickness?
  • He insisted on helping the sailors with their work on deck, and this made him feel a little better.
 3. What was the 'unexpected' that happened in Hong Kong?
  • The storm ranged for two days. It was impossible for the ship to makes up the time that had lost, the next boat was due to leave at high tide the day after morning.
4. Who was John Bunsby?  What did he promise Mr Fogg?
  • John Bunsby was the captain. He promised Mr Fogg to take him up to the Chinese coast to Shanghai.
5. What did Mr Fogg decide to do with Aouda?
  • Mr. Fogg decided to handover Aouda to her relations in Hong Kong. When they searched her relation, they left and no longer live Hong Kong. So, they decide to take her to Europe.
6. Mr Fix wanted a favor of Passepartout.  What was it?
  • He wanted Passepartout to help him in keeping his master here on British soil.

1. Various events till now have a highlighted Phileas Fogg's and Passepartout's passion for life and loyalty to duty.  Whom would you rather be like?  Justify.
  • If I have any duties to concentrate, I would be Mr. Fogg without duties, I would be Passepartout to enjoy the nature.
2.What request did Mr Fogg make to John Bunsby?

  • Fogg asked the captain to him to Yokohama by the 14th at the latest.
Chapter 17

  1. 'It was not fair to take a favor from the man he hoped to arrest'.  Why did Fix feel so?

  • Fix was ashamed, He went to the fore-deck and he did not speak again for the rest of the day. Mr. Fix was waiting arrest Mr. Fogg.

 2. Though Mr Fogg was not a sailor, he was well informed about se faring strategies.  Justify with a suitable example
  • He planned to go around the world in 80 days as it was his wager with friends, he was well informed about all sorts of transport modes. For instance, early on the second morning of the Tankadere’s voyage, the sky showed signs of a coming gale, and the captain told that a typhoons was likely, as an expert Fogg said it would blow them in the right direction.
3. Aouda undoubtedly was in love with Fogg.  What did she most admire in him?
  • Auoda found strength in watching Mr. Fogg. His courage filled her with admiration.
4. Why was the pilot's flag put at half mast?
  • The Flag was lowered to the position which is a signal of distress.
5. What were the risks the pilot - boat faced?
  • The china seas are generally rough in  November and there is danger of typhoons, the sky showed signs of a coming gale.
6. why was Mr Fix embarrassed?
  • On 11th November, the captain told them that Shanghai was less than a hundred miles away. They would have seen within thirty miles of the port, if it had not been for the storm. As they drew nearer to the Shelter of the land, the breeze gradually dropped and the sails went slack.
7. What preparations did the crew make for the gale?
  • The crew made preparation for the gale. The sails were taken down, except for one small triangle of strong canvas to keep her stern to the wind, the hatched were tightly closed, so that no water could get down into the cabin. The captain urges his passengers to go below, but they preferred to stay on deck to face the storm as long as possible.

1. Describe the horrors of the 10th November night when mountainous waves nearly overwhelmed the ship?
  • Early November and there is danger of typhoons the sky showed signs of a coming gale and the captain said that a typhoon was likely. The raging wind and rain fell upon them at about eight o’clock in the morning and all through that day they carried along on tremendous waves. The Tankadere was lifted like a feather by the wind. It looked as if she would be overwhelmed by the mountainous seas, and twenty times disaster was avoided by the skillful captain at the helm.
2. How did Mr Fix and Aouda react to the storm?
  • Phileas Fogg would stand on the deck with his legs well apart like a sailor, watching the heavy seas with confidence. Aouda seated in a safer spot gazed around her a little fearfully.
3. Describe what happened when the American liner was sighted?
  • The crew loaded the gun that a plot -boat carries for use as a signal in fog weather. It was their last chance and fired it.
Chapter 18

1. Why did Passepartout curse himself as he sailed to Yokohoma?
  • Because he was drugged by Mr. Fix. He went to find Mr. Fogg in his cabin it was empty. He was angry. He had been tricked by Fix. He missed his master wandered about the Japanese town. All day and night.
 2. What did he hope day and night? Why didn't he sell his watch?
  • To find his master. He had a great deal of sentiment to his watch.
 3. What happened to Passepartout aftre he woke from his drugged sleep?
  • He saw he missed the ship, he had managed to rush up the gangway at the last minute. Next morning, he was already a hundred and fifty miles nearer to Yokohama.
4. What did Passepartout do to get himself a good meal?.  
  • He sold his good clothes and buy old ones instead. He had a good meal too.
5.  How did Passepartout decide to go to America?
  •  Passepartout thought he could e a job on a ship going to America. He thought he might find his master at the port of San Francisco. He knew that Mr. Fogg would enter America at that point

1. Describe the exciting event you have seen at a circus
  • clown jokes
  • Elephant march
  • lion jumping through the rings
  • Parrot dancing
  • Dog cycling
2. Give an account as to why the human pyramid collapsed in the circus.
  • Passepartout while he was much occupied with the human pyramid he saw his master, and in excitement he jumped out of the order with joy and shouted happily and called his master. So the entire human pyramid lost the balance and collapsed.
Chapter 19

1. Who or What was General Grant?
  • The American steamer
2. In the first 52 days how many countries did Fogg cover?
  •  He had been to London to Aden, from Aden to Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore and Yokohama.
3. How was Passepartout wrong about his watch?
  •  Passepartout was much pleased to find that his watch was exactly right. Now, at last he seem to be proved right.  What Passepartout did not know, was that he was wrong. For his watch had been divided into twenty-four hours, instead of twelve.
4. When did Mr Fogg hope to reach London?  What places would he cross on the way?
  • London by the 20th.  He would cross San Francisco and New York on the way.
5. Give reasons for Mr Fogg making a roundabout journey.  Name the places he visited?
  • Fogg had travelled round one half of the globe exactly. He crossed the meridian of 1800
  • He took 52 days of his 80 days, but he had travelled more than two-thirds of his distance, for he had made round about journey for he had to take what transport he could.
6. Where was Mr Fix? Why was he disappointed?
  • On board the same ship. But hiding in his cabin. He had the warrant at last but it was now useless because Mr. Fogg was no longer on British territory. So, Mr. Fix was very disappointed.

1. Can Detective Fix or Passepartout be accused of dereliction of duty? Justify
  • Mr Fix as a detective he was investigating without a proper evidence, he follows Mr Fogg too sincerely and trying to arrest an innocent man.  Passepartout totally irresponsible even though he admires his master.  He is over anxious and excited to do anything for his master which puts both the master and the servant into unwanted troubles.
2. What proposal did Mr Fix make to Passepartout?
  •  Mr Fix wanted Passepartout to help him to arrest Mr Fogg. He wanted him to keep Mr Fogg on British soil in the East while he waits for the warrant.
Chapter 20

1. How did Passepartout express his happiness on reaching America?
  • Passepartout was so pleased to have reached America that he landed by means of a somersault giving a loud and triumphant cry as he stood on his feet at last.
2. What was special about 'the unbroken line of metal'?

  • San Francisco and Yew York are now joined together by an unbroken line of metal which is three thousand, seven hundred and eighty six miles long.
3. Apart from the cattle herd what alarming incident took place at the Rocky Mountains?  How was it resolved?
  • Around the Rocky Mountains the line was more than Seven Thousand feet above Sea level.  After a run of about two hundred miles in the next day or so they would descend gradually to the plains which stretched towards the Atlantic Ocean.  It was when the train was nearing a station called Medicine Bow that the first alarming incident took place.  It was not possible to go on.  They had telegraphed to Omaha for another train.  The only solution was to take the train at its highest speed like a flash the train seemed to leap from one bank of the river to the other.
4. How did Passepartout react on landing in America? What did Mr Fogg do?
  •  Passepartout landed by means of a somersault giving a loud triumphant cry.  Mr Fogg enquired at what time the first train left for New York.  He then ordered a carriage to drive Aouda and himself to the international Hotel and Passepartout sat u in front with the driver.
5. What are American trains like?
  • ’Ocen to Ocean’ jointed together by an unbroken line of metal.
6. Why was the train stopped midway?
  • When the train was nearing a station called Medicine Bow, the whistle was heard to blow with a shriek and the train came to a stop.

1. If you were the engine driver and had been warned of the weakness in the suspension bridge what would you have decided to do?
  • I would called the concerned authorities and would make another transport arrangement for the passengers for a safe travelling.
  • I would study the different system of travelling modes to g safe.
2. How did the engine driver propose to cross the bridge?  Give an account of what happened?
  • when the train was nearing a station called Medicine Bow that the first alarming incident took place.  It was not possible to go on.  They had telegraphed to Omaha for another train.  The only solution was to take the train at its highest speed like a flash the train seemed to leap from one bank of the river to the other, and it was five miles beyond Medicine Bow station before it could be slowed up.  But as soon as the train had passed over, there was a tremendous crash.  The bridge had collapsed into the the river below.

Chapter 21

1. For the third time Fix is of some help, what was the very fast kind of vehicle he helped to provide?

  • It is a sledge with sails.

2. What happened when the train entered the state of Nebraska?

  •  A band those red Indians held up the train, attacked the driver and stoker, stole the luggage and fought with the passengers.


1.How did the foursome finally reach Chicago with the help of Mudge?

  • The sledge was like a boat on runners with a huge mast for sails and a rudder with which to steer. They huddle together under the travelling rugs. They flew swiftly over the surface of the snow Mr. Mudge brought the sledge to Omaha station. Then they hurried to catch the express to Chicago.

2. Journey of Mr. Fogg to reach New York? Explain

  • They crossed Mississippi River and entered the state of Illinois.  On 10th December they were at the city of Chicago, Express took them through Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey and then Hudson River and the docs of New York.

Chapter 22

1. What was significant about the 12th of December?

  • Mr. Fogg did not catch the china, one of the fastest boats of the Cunard line. He missed it.

2. On December the 13th abroad, the Henritta. It was not captain speedy at the helm of the ship, but Phileas Fogg. Explain?

  • On 13th of December Mr. Phileas Fogg took position of the ship not the captain speedy.  Mr. Fogg wanted to go to Liverpool, but the captain would not take him there. So the captain was locked up in his cabin.

3. Mr. Fogg finally stood on British soil when he made a touchdown at Liverpool. Detective Fix was thrilled why?

  • Now Mr. Fix could arrest Mr. Fogg.

4.What did the Blue Peter Flag signify?

  •   Blue Peter Flag signifies that they were about to sail.

5.Where was the Henritta sailing to? What did Mr. Phileas Fogg offer the captain?

  •    Henritta is sailing to Bordeaux. Mr.Fogg offered two thousand dollars per person.

6. How did Mr. Phileas Fogg manage to win over the crew and take over as the captain of the Ship?

  •     Mr. Fogg used some of his banknotes and now the whole crew was devoted to him.


1. Write what happened when the Henritta ran out of coal?

  • Mr. Fogg purchased the ship for sixty thousand dollars. He need to keep the fire going and the steam pressure up, every scrap of the deck – houses and bunks, masts and rails and spars was chopped up for fuel.

 Chapter 23

1. How did his arrest ruin the best laid plans of Mr.  Fogg?

  • He is helpless. After travelling all round the world Phileas Fogg was five minutes late and he had lost his wager due to the arrest.

2. Explain the mixed reaction of the travelers Fogg’s impatience, Aouda’s indignation and

Passepartout’s guilt?

  • Mr. Fogg is helpless. He is sitting perfectly still on a wooden bench showing no anger or distress. Aouda wept when she realized that nothing could be done to help Mr. Fogg. Passepartout was in great distress, he felt he was the cause of the arrest. He should have warned his master that Fix was a detective. So Mr. Fogg could have proved his innocence. But it was too late now.

3. Fix brought great news. What was it?

  • The thief has been arrested in London.

4. What happened to Mr. Phileas Fogg upon arrived at Liverpool? How did he react?

  •       He was arrested. He lost his wager.

5. Why did Passepartout think he was the cause of Mr. Fogg’s arrest?

  • He felt that he was the cause of the arrest. He should have warned his master about detective Fix. So Mr. Fogg could have proved his innocence. But it was late now.

6. Why was Mr. Phileas Fogg set free? What was his reaction?

  • The real thief has been arrested. So Mr. Fogg was set free. Mr. Fogg went up to Mr. Fix, looked him straight in the face and then hit him with both fists a hard as he could. Detective was lay on the floor without a sound.


1. After travelling all around the world, Phileas Fogg was five minutes late. He had lost his     Wager.  Explain Fogg’s feeling as best as you can?

  •  Disappointed, lost to all his friend and confidence broken, sad and depressed.

2. Why has Mr. Fogg lost his wager?

  •    He lost his wager as he arrived five minutes late due to the arrest by detective Fix.

 Chapter 24

1. Passepartout kept an eye on his master without appearing to do so why?

  •  He was worried about his master Mr. Phileas Fogg as he lost his wager.  He could understand the feelings of his master.  He didn’t open his room as he would like to be alone. So Passepartout with real concern kept an eye on his master.

2. “Even poverty is bearable when there are two “What was Aouda trying to convey to Fogg?

  • Aouda wants Mr. Fogg to share his troubles and emotions with friends or relatives. But Mr. Fogg says that he has no friends or relatives to share his loneliness. She feels sad.

3. How did Mr. Fogg react to the proposal?

  •   Mr. Fogg agrees to take Aouda as his wife. There was a new light in Mr. Fogg’s face.

4. How would you describe Aouda as a lady of distinction or an adventurer?

  • Aouda is kind and understanding person.


1. Justify how money play a major role in the novel from beginning to end for everyone?

  • With the money Mr. Phileas Fogg could solve all the problems related to his journey around the world. He fixed all the problem by giving the money to the concerned authorities and those who are attracted to Mr. Fogg’s proposals.   Mr. Fogg could make his journey easy and comfortable with the money.

2. Give an account of how Aouda proposal marriage to Mr. Phileas Fogg?

  • Aouda could feel the disappointed of Mr. Fogg as he lost his wager. He was lonely. He does not have any friends or relatives to share his failure, loneliness and his depression. Aouda felt sad and proposed Mr. Fogg for marriage. She expressed her love on him. Mr. Fogg accepted his love and agreed to marry her.

Chapter 25

1. How did everything change for Mr. Phileas Fogg with arrest of a man named James Strand?

  •   The bank thief James strand was arrested on 17th of December. The papers were full of this       news. Thief Mr. Fogg was again as honest gentleman.  False opinions changed, Bets on his journey were again renewed. Five fellow members of the reform club were eager to meet Mr. Fogg.

2. What compliment did Samuel Fallentin reserve for Mr. Fogg?

  •     Mr. Fogg is very perfect and Mr. Samuel said that Mr. Fogg never comes too soon or too late.

3. Name those bet against Mr. Fogg?

  • Samuel Fallentin, Clanagan, Andrew Stuart and Ralph

4. What news were the newspapers full of?

  • The newspapers are about James Strand the bank thief, and honest Mr. Fogg who has been falsely accused by Detective Fix.

5. Why does Lord Albermale lose his bet?

  • Lord Albemale would lose five thousand pounds on Mr. Fogg. He bet in favor of Mr. Fogg.

 Chapter 26

1. Explain how a man as methodical as Mr. Fogg made a mistake? How had he managed to gain a day by travelling eastwards?

  •  He had gained one day on his journey because he had been travelling eastwards all the time.  He would have lost a day if he had gone westwards.

2. Mr.Fogg had made his journey, using every kind of transport, Explain?

  •  Mr. Fogg used Liners, railways, carriages, Yachts, trading vessels, sledges and elephants.

3. What do you think Mr. Fogg, Passepartout, Auoda and Fix achieves from the marvelous adventure?

  •  Detective Fix found out the honesty of Mr. Fogg.
  • Passepartout found a good, perfect master for him.
  • Aouda founds a life with Mr. Fogg.
  • Mr. Fogg found a charming woman who made him the happiest of men.

4. Where had Passepartout been sent? Why did he run like a mad man?

  • Passepartout was sent to the clergyman’s house to arrange marriage for the next day.  He found out that the next day is Sunday no Monday. For Mr. Fogg arrived one day before his due date.

5.  How many days did Mr. Fogg take to make his journey around the world?

  • He took 79 (seventy nine) days to make his Journey around the world.

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