Macbeth - A short summary

Short Summary

Macbeth a Scottish nobleman, the Thane of Glamis and cousin of Duncan king of Scotland was a brave and fine soldier was fighting against the Thane of Cawdor. In the battle, the Thane of Cawdor was taken prisoner. Victorious Macbeth returned with his friend Banquo soldier on their way back they had to cross a heath. Suddenly a flash of lighting showed three mysterious figures in front of them. They looked like witches. They addressed Macbeth as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and king of Scotland. Also they predicted to Banquo that his sons would be kings. Then they disappeared.
They stood in amazement, at the same time two noblemen came and gave a surprising news that King Duncan made him thane of Cawdor. This planted the seed of wicked ambition in Macbeth’s mind to be a king, Banquo felt that Macbeth would try by wicked means, to make himself king. King Duncan decided to visit Macbeth to honour his victory. Macbeth sent a letter to his wife lady Macbeth explaining all in detail. Lady Macbeth was a very ambitious, cruel than her husband. She made up her mind to make her husband a king; and the quickest way to achieve this was to murder king Duncan.
The king arrived, and after meal he went to bed early.  Lady Macbeth gave a dagger to Macbeth. After a few moments he returned successfully but his dagger was in his hand. Lady Macbeth went back to Duncan’s room to put the dagger on the floor beside the drunken sleeping servants.

 When the murder was discovered the next morning, Macbeth, as soon as he was told the news, went straight to Duncan’s room and killed the two servantws. Duncan’s two sons Malcom and Donalbain feeling sure that the Macbeth was guilty of the crime, hurried to Scotland. Macbeth took advantage of their flight and blamed them for the murder. Macbeth was crowned king at once. Macbeth was not satisfied since Banquo   would be father of kings. So he hired his men to murder Banquo and his son. But they killed only Banquo, his son escaped to England and many years later there was a line of Scottish kings who descended from him. Now Macbeth felt more secure. Now Macduff Thane of Fife suspected his crimes. Macbeth was not comfortable and decided to kill him too.

 Macbeth went to the heath to see the witches, this time the witches gave two promises. They told no man born of a woman can harm Macbeth. Also they said Macbeth shall never be conquered until great Birnam wood to high Dunsiane hill should against him.  Meanwhile, in England, Macduff and Malcom were making plans to fight Macbeth. When Macduff received the news of the murder of his family. He determined to revenge on their murderer. He and Malcom marched to Scotland.  Lady Macbeth’s mind was falling under the strain. Her night were filled with terrible dreams. The doctor could not find cure her and before long. She killed herself in sorrow and despair.

Macbeth began to realize how empty his life was. News came that Malcolm’s army was near at hand.  Messenger came and told that Birnam wood moved.  It was true Malcom told his soldiers to cut down trees and carry the leafy branches in front of them to advance invisibly. Macbeth understood the false promises of the witches.  They have deceived him.  Macbeth fought with great courage. Macduff saw Macbeth and rushed towards him. Macbeth challenged him and told the promise of the witches. Macbeth answered that he was not born in the ordinary way. He was taken out from his mother’s womb before the time was due for his birth. Macbeth was shocked and cried. But he was not ready to surrender, and fought with courage. But was killed by Macduff. Malcom became the king. Macduff made the Earl of Fifi as a reward for his faithful service to his king.

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