Three Musketeers Alexandre Dumas

Chapter wise Questions and Answers,

Chapter 1

      1. what did D'Artagnan's fathe give him before he left for Paris who was Treville?o  why he could be use to D'Artagnan.?
  • D'Artagnan's father gave him 15 crowns,horse and some good advice and a reference letter to
  • was D'Artaganan's father's neighbor and playfellow of the king.
  • since and D'Artagana's father were formerly neighbor, he gave a reference letter to about his son D'Artaganan. so could serve the king.
      2. why did D'Artaganan quarrel with the unknown stranger at the Inn?  Describe the lady who spoke to the stranger the next morning? what was her name?
  • At Jolly Miller D'Artagnan could hear some witty remarks about his Bearnese pony. He was insulted by the gentleman.  D'Artagnan in anger drew his sword and started the quarrel with them.
  • D'Artaganagn saw his enemy taking calmly to a young lady. she is twenty years of age. she was very beautiful,pale and fair with long curls falling over her shoulders and large blue eyes.
  • Her name was Milady.
      3. what happened to D'Artaganan's letter to
  • He lost the letter which was written by his father to The gentle man took his letter from his pocket as he doubted D'Artagnan as cardinal spy.

Chapter 2

      1.why were the king's musketeers and the cardinal's guards always fight with each other?
  • The most powerful man in France after the king was the cardinal Richelieu. He too had his musketeers, and these two powerful rivals competed with each in obtaining the most famous swordsmen. Each boasted about the strength and courage of his own musketeers, and seized every chance to fight and quarrel with each other.
    2. Give the names of the three musketeers. Why was D’Artagnan in such a hurry to get past them? What was the result  of his quarrel with them?
  •        Athos, Porthos and Aramis.
  •        D’Artagnan had seen his enemy, the mysterious man from Meung walking down the street. In a state of fury he crossed the hall in three strides and was rushing towards the stairs and ran in such a hurry to get past them.
  •           He knocked against the three musketeers and challenged duel with each musketeers.
      3.  Explain why D'Artagnan was not able to join the the king's musketeers? where did Treville send him for military training?
  •  D'Artagnan is not perfect in all the arts of war. He is more than a boy. so decides to write a letter to Royal Academy to admit him to learn horsemanship,dancing and all kinds of sword fighting.

Chapter 3

     1. What happened just as D’Artaganan and Athos were preparing to fight their duel?
  •       Cardinal’s guards came and warned them not to create commotion in the street and challenged duel with them.
     2. In the fight which followed, which side did D’Artagnan support?  Describe the fight briefly?
  •            D’Artagnan supported the musketeers.
  •        Nine men attacked each other. Athos began to fight with Cahusac, Porthos had Bicarat, and Aramis was attacked by two enemies.  D’Artagnan fought with Jussac. He redoubled his attack and passed his sword through his body. Jussac fell like dead man.  Aramis had killed one of his enemies. Both Bicarat and Porthos were wounded seriously. Athos wounded anew by Cahusac, was deathly pale but did not give way a foot. When D’Artagnan tried to kill Cahusac but Athos commanded him not to kill as he wanted to kill Cahusac. He did so he fell dead.  Later Bicarat was forced to surrender to Porthos.  The three musketeers and D’Artagnan returned joyfully to the town.

Chapter 4

     1. Was the kind angry or amused when he heard about the fight between his musketeers and the cardinal's guards? Explain his attitude.
  •         The fight was discussed everywhere scolded his musketeers in public and congratulated them in  private; and the king himself  was amused and interested to meet these four young men who had defeated five of the cardinal’s bravest guardsmen. The king was happy but he could not show his true emotions in the public.
     2. What did the king give to D’Artgnanan, and what did D’Artaganan do with it?
  •        The king gave forty pistoles to D’Artaganan and he put his forty pistols into his pocket and thanked his majesty profusely. And he shared it with his friends. The three musketeers.

Chapter 5

     1. Who called to see D’Artaganan in his room? Explain why the man was so worried.
  •       Landlord Bonacieux came to see D’Artaganan. He was worried because his wife lady Bonacieux seamstress to the queen was seized and carried away just as she came out of her workroom.
     2. Whom did Bonacieux suspect in this matter?  What made D'Artagnan realized that the kidnapper  was probably his enemy of Meung?
  •   Lord Bonacieux suspected that his wife has been taken prisoner for a political reason. His wife is devoted to the Queen. But the Queen is neglected by her king. Also the cardinals dislikes her.  Once lady Bonacieux pointed out to her husband about a stranger. He has back hair, a dark complexion and scar on his cheek. This made D’Artganan to realize that the kidnapper must be the same stranger of Meung.

Chapter 6

     1. What happened to the land lord? Why the musketeers allowed the cardinal guard to take him away?
  • D'Artaganan expained his friends about the kidnapping of Madame Bonacieux in detail. At that moment lord Bonacieux rushed into that room crying to save him. Cardinal guards appeared and arrested Lord Bonacieux. He begged mercy from the musketeers but D'Artaganan said if they defend him they will arrest all.  D'Artaganan was very diplomatic to avoid the arrest so they can stay free to find out the truth behind the arrest and kidnap.
     2. What was the musketeers’ motto?  Explain what it means?
  • Their motto is "One for allAll for one". This means that they are loyal to each other and  they believe in themselves and each other's abilities, which makes them an unstoppable force when they are together.

Chapter 7

  1. When D'Artaganan saw a man in a musketeer's uniform walking down the street who did he think it was? who was the man, and who was the woman with him?
  • D'Artaganan thought that the man was Aramis for he was dressed in the uniform of a musketeer.
  • The gentle man was the Duke of Buckingham. The woman was Madame Bonacieux.
     2. where did they go? Explain why they were not stopped from entering?
  • George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham Prime Minister of England and lady Bonacieux went to meet the Queen of France. They entered the Louvre without any interference. Madame Bonacieux was known to belong to the queen; and the duke wore the uniform of the musketeers of who were that evening on guard. So nobody stopped them from entering.

Chapter 8

     1.who suggested that the king should go to the ball at the Hotel de Ville?  What did he suggest the queen should wear on this occasion? explain why he suggested it. 
  • The Cardinal began to poison the king's mind by saying about the Queen's studs (which they have stolen with the help of Milady)  on several occasions, and Louis xiii, began to suspect his queen. The Cardinal suggested the king to go the ball with his Queen.
  • The Cardinal  suggested that the queen should wear the diamond studs.
  • They cardinal wanted to create confusion between the king and the queen so as that they can easily create political uproar.
     2. how did Madame Bonacieux comfort the queen and what did she promise to do?
  • Madame Bonacieux  comforted the crying Queen by falling on her knees and said she would die for the Queen.
  • Madame Bonacieux promised the Queen that  she would find a faithful messenger who could go to the Duke and get back all the diamond studs.

Chapter 9

      1. Give the reasons why Madame Bonacieux no longer trusted her husband?
  • In the course of the conversation with her husband Madame Bonacieux soon realized that her husband was no longer to be trusted, the cardinal had won him over to his side and he would betray her Queen. he had even received quite a large sum of money from the cardinal and could give no satisfactory reason about the money.
     2. What did D'Artagnan promise to do for Madame Bonacieux? where did she get the money for the journey?
  • D'Artagnan promised he would complete the mission of getting back the diamonds from the Duke successfully.
  • she took out her husband's bag of cardinal's  money and gave it to D'Artagnan for the journey. 

Chapter 10

1. 'In adventures of this kind, four must set out in order that one may arrive.' What did mean by this? Who were the four who set out for London?
  • meant that adventure of this kind are very dangerous. a will murdered before they traveled ten miles as the enemies wait for them.
  • Athos,Porthos,Aramis and D'Artagnan are the four men who set out for london.
2 . What instructions did D'Artagnan give his friends, conerning the sealed letter in his pocket?
  • D'Artagnan pointed a pocket and told that he had a letter in there, he explained  if he got killed one of them must take it and continue on the journey. if the other got killed, it will be another's turn and so. so long as one of them must arrive and finish the mission.

Chapter 11 

1. Describe the various ways in which the cardinal succeeded in preventing the three musketeers 
         from reaching London?
  •  At the town of Beauvais they met Eight or ten horsemen who seemed to be digging holes in the road and filing up the holes with mud.  Aramis spoke to them sharply for he does not like his boots getting dirty. Suddenly the workmen ran to the ditch and attacked the Musketeers.  Aramis was wounded badly but others continued their journey. At crevecoeur they halted at Golden Lily an Inn. there they were arrested as forgers when paying the bill. D'Artagnan leaped on to his horse and off at a gallop and reached the gates of calais.
2. how did D'Artagnan obtain permit to sail on the ship at Calais? Describe his fight with Count             de Wardes.?
  • At Calais he saw a gentleman in a hurry.  He wanted to go England and he showed the cardinals permission to the ship captain.  But the captain needed the permit to be examined by the Governor of the Port.  So the gentleman took the road to the Governor.  D'Artganan followed him. The gentleman was granted with permit. When he was returning with the permit D'Artagnan stopped him and demanded that permit.  He refused and started a quarrel.  In three seconds the brave Musketeer wounded him and took the permit which was in the name of Count de Wardes. he showed it to the ship captain and traveled to England.

 Chapter 12

1. whom did the Duke of Buckingham suspect as the cardinal's spy who had stolen two of his                diamond studs when were they stolen?
  • The Duke suspected The Countess Winter.
  • they were stolen by the beautiful Countess Winter Milady at the ball at Windsor.
     2.  What did the Duke do in order to send the full number of studs back to the Queen and how did he made sure that D'Artagnan would arrive in Paris before their enemy.
  • The Duke called Mr. O'Raeilly the Gold Smith and showed the real diamonds and ordered him  to make two studs just like the real ones.  The Gold Smith made them in two days and received three thousand pistoles.  The Duke gave an order that no ships must leave his Majesty's port without the special permission.  No one would dare to lift an anchor. His command made D'Artagnan to arrive in Paris before their enemy.
     3. What did the Duke give to D'Artagnan as reward for him and his friends?  Did D'Artagnan reach Paris in time for the Queen to wear the studs at the ball?
  • The Duke gave four horses as reward to D"Artagnan and his four friends.
  • D'Artagnan reached Paris in time because the queen got back all her diamonds from D'Artagnan.  She wore them to the ball. she surprised the king and the cardinals looked at her with rage. 

Chapter 13

     1.  When D'Artagnan  and his four friends returned to Paris what two pieces of news did they receive from  Why was D'Artagnan so overjoyed by the first and his friends worried about the second?
  • On arriving in the city D'Artagnan received a letter from informed him that at his request  king had promoted him to be a musketeer.  He ran full of joy to tell his companions.
  • D'Artagnan's friends  were worried because had informed that the king intended to launch an attack on rebel forces at La Rochelle.

Chapter 14

      1. Describe D'Artagnan's visit to the church and what he saw there? what happened afterwards?
  • D'Artagnan went to  a nearby church. the church was full for there was a service in progress, suddenly he notice a beautiful lady sitting near the choir. she is beautiful and rich for she had a little serving boy who carried the red velvet cushion on which she knelt to pray.
  • D'Artagnan followed her after the service but the rich lady didnt wait for any. she ordered her coachman to drive to St.Germain. As there were no use to wait for her D'Artagnan returned home and took two horses from's stables and went to visit his friend.
     2. Tell in your own words Athos's "real tale of love"
  • When Athos was twenty-five, fell in love with a beautiful girl of sixteen.  she lived in a small cottage on his estate with her brother, who was a priest. Nobody knew where they had come from, but Athos was so much in love with her that he never thought of asking any questions. he married her.  One day, when she was out hunting with her husband, she fell from her horse and fainted. Athos ran to her help, to make her to breath more freely, he cut open the  clothes with his dagger. In doing so laid bare her shoulders and saw 'A fleur d-lys'. she was a branded thief who had stolen the holy cups from a church. Athos as a count tore the dress of her to pieces and tied her hands and hanged her on a tree. Her brother the priest ran away before Athos could hang.

Chapter 15 

      1. whom did D'Artagnan see outside a house in St. Germain and what did he and Planchet do?
  • suddenly at the window of a pretty house he saw the rich lady who sat near the choir in the church.
  • D'Artagnan sent his servant Planchet to talk to Count de Wardes's servant boy to find out about his heath. D'Artagnan turned the two horses into a lane and watched the meeting from behind a hedge.
      2.while D'Artagnan was waiting in the lane who arrived in a carriage and what did the maidservant do?
  • while D'Artagnan was waiting Milady came in the carriage. Her maid  went up to Panchet and gave Milady's letter to him and asked him to give it to his master.The letter was addressed to the Count de Wardes. the mail saw only Panchet as the other servant boy went inside. thought Planchet as Count de Wardes's servant.
     3. Give an account in your own words of the scene between D'Artagnan and the nobleman outside Milady's carriage? who was the nobleman?  
  • D'Artagnan saw the pretty woman on the other side of the carriage. He could notice the pretty woman was in great rage but noble man with whom she talking laughing to annoy her.  D'Artagnan thought it was the right moment to interfere.  He approached them and offered his help. But Milady refused to accept his help.  The action of D'Artagnan angered the nobleman.  D'Artagnan drew his sword.  Since the noble man was unarmed they both decided to fix the fight behind Luxembourg.  Also they agreed to bring their friends for the duel.
  • The nobleman was Lord Winter Baron Sheffield.  Milady's brother in law.  She had married a younger brother of the family who had left her widow with one child.
     4. What happened behind the Luxembourg that evening?  Describe the duel, and how it ended?
  • At six o'clock the four musketeers went to the arranged place both the parties exchanged their names. The nobleman Lord Winter requested to say their real name as an introduction before fight. All introduced themselves.  Athos told his real name but he decided to kill the one who heard his real name.  They started to fight. Athos killed his enemy first as he told.  Porthos wounded his enemy.  Aramis made his enemy disappeared.  D'Artagnan fought purely on defensive.  Lord Winter took three steps back to attack him but slipped and fell down. so D'Artagnan could not kill him as he was defenseless, he showed mercy for the sake of Milady because D'Artagnan wanted to get closer to her.
     5. Give description of kitty?  Did she like D'Artagnan?
  • Kitty was a pretty girl. Twenty years of age. She was the maid to Milady. she was attracted so much to D'Artagnan.

Chapter 16

1.  What did Kitty show to D'artagnan to prove that Milady was not in love with him?  Why did D'Artgnan decide to make use of of kitty's love for him?  How could she help him in his plans?
  • Kitty showed a letter to D'Artagnan, it was addressed to M. The count de Wardes.  D'Artganan could take advantage of kitty's admireation for him.  He could persuade her to let him see all letters addressed to the Count de Wardes.  Perhaps even more important letters to and from the Cardinal.
2.  What plan did D'Artagnan make in order to take his revenge on Milady?  Describe how the plan worked.  What did Milady give him as a love Token?
  • D'Artganan heard Milady's angry, revenge and hated toward him.  So he decided to make progress with milady.  Kitty bought another new letter addressed to the Count de Wardes from Milady.  He signed it.  His plan was simple.  He would pretend to be the Count de Wardes and visit Milady that very night.  In the darkness Milady would not know that she was being deceived.  At eleven o'clock that night Milady for the sake of romance, told kitty to put out all the lights.  When D'Artganan arrived Milady had no doubts.  She spoke to him in soft voiced, kissed him and gave a ring as her token of love.
3.  What happened when Milady discovered the truth?
  • Milady promised that she would avenge D'Artganan for wounding him. That moment D'artganan puller her away so violently that made Milady to come back from romance.  She drew the window curtain and saw D'artgnan in the moon light, she screamed and ran and took a sharp thin blade.  she sprang at D'Artganan, but he seized her by the shoulder and her dress was torn and, on the shoulders D'Artganan saw the fleur - de - lys mark of the branded criminal.  Milady with the dagger sprang on him once more.  But D'Artganan moved and pushed Milady aside and ran out with kitty and shut the door and locked it.
Chapter 17

1.Describe the scene between Athos and D’Artagnan when Athos recognized the ring and learned the truth.  Who was Milady?

  • D’Artaganan showed Athos the ring Milady had given him.  Athos turned pale with shock.  He tried it on his left hand and it fitted his finger as if made for him.  Athos asked the details of Milady and D’Artgnan described her appearance including her branded mark of her shoulder.  Athos was so socked and confirmed that she was the woman he thought he loved and married.


2. Give an Account in your own words of the meeting between the three musketeers and the Cardinal and their arrival at the Red Dovecot.

  • After the siege of Rochelle, the musketeer’s expedition was a great success.  So they obtain special leave of absence after the closing of the camp.  One evening Athos, Porthos and Aramis were returning on horseback from an Inn called Red Dovecot, suddenly they heard the sound of horses approaching them.  They stopped and enquired.  It was carinal who came to ask the musketeers to give protection as the cardinal needed to go to Red Dovecot.  Three musketeers agreed and they went with the cardinal and they waited down stairs for him.  The cardinal went upstairs to have a secret conversation with his spy.

 Chapter 18

1. Explain how Athos was able to overhear the conversation between the cardinal and Milady in the room above.  What instruction did Richelieu give to her?

  • At the Inn Prthos and Armais sat down to play cards.  Athos walked about the room in deep thought.  He passed and repassed the pipe of the broken stove which went up the chimney into the room above, thereby Athos heard a murmur of voices of the cardinal and a female voice which Athos recognized with a shock.  Cardinal instructed Milady to kill the Duke of Buckingham.

2. What did Milady obtain form the cardinal in return, and how did Athos manage to get it from her?  Describe the scene between them?

  • Cardinal gave a letter signed by him to Milady to carry out his task.  Athos hid behind the Inn and came back after Cardinal’s departure.  He told the inn keeper he came to deliver cardinal’s message to the lady.  Then Athos entered in to her room.  Milady was shocked to see him and in fear she gave the letter which was given by the cardinal as Athos threatened her to kill.

 Chapter 19

1. What was the name of the young naval officer who met Milady’s ship at Portsmouth?  Where did he take her?

  • John Felton is the name of the naval officer.  He took her to lord winter’s castle.

 2. Give the various points in lord winters conversation which gradually made Milady realize that he knew everything about her and that he must have received the information from Athos and D’Artagnan?

  • Lord Winter asked Milady, the reason for her visit to England, he pointed out to her that cardinals are her friends.  He mentioned about her first husband who was a French man.  He pointed to her right should which carries the branded mark fleur – de lys. 

3. What solemn warning about Milady did Lord Winter give to Felton and what was Felton’s reply?

  • Lord Winter warned Felton by saying that Milady is young, beautiful but a monster and guilt of many crimes.  She would try to charm him and would try to kill him.  Since Lord Winter saved John Felton from poverty and misery, he commanded Felton to be careful and to protect him against Milady.  Felton promised to protect him with his life.

Chapter 20

1. Describe the ways in which Milady slowly won John Felton to her side and made him fall in love with her?  How did she poison his mind against Lord Winter and the Duke of Buckingham?

  • She pretended that she was suffering from fever and refused to take medications.  With her charming voice she persuaded him to listen.   With many lies and terrible stories, she finally made the young officer think that Lord Winter was a monster and Milady an innocent and ill-treated girl in need of help and comfort.   Also, it was easy for Milady to convince the poor adoring young man the Buckingham had betrayed Milady that he had sued her for his own ends, and then ill-treated her cruelly.

 Chapter 21

1. Tell the story of Milady’s rescue by Felton and their escape to the ship?

  • John Felton had fallen for her.  He was ready to anything for Milady.  As per the plan Felton removed two bars of the window and took Milady and carried her down the rope ladder and reached the se shore where a little boat was waiting to carry out them to the ship.  Felton wanted to go to Portsmouth as he wished to see the Duke of Buckingham and to kill him.  He told Milady after reaching to Portsmouth to wait for him until 10 o’clock that morning.  If he didn’t return then Milady would sail without him.

2. How did Felton obtain admission to Buckingham’s room in Portsmouth?  Describe what had happened there, whom did Felton meet as he ran out of the room again?

  • Felton had the letter from Lord Winter.  It contained a request for a letter ordering Milady’s exile to France.  He gave that letter to the Duke, but when he was about to sign it Felton took his dagger and plunged it into Buckingham’s side.  Felton met Lord Winter when he tried to escape.

3. What made Felton realize that Milady was faithless to him?  What promise did Lord Winter make to him?

  • Felton saw the sailing ship with great disappointment for Milady didn’t wait for Felton, she had left an hour and a half before the arranged time, she ordered the captain to set sail as soon as she heard the Duke’s death.  Now Felton realized and understood Milady’s treachery.  Lord Winter promised Felton that Milady will be punished for sure.

Chapter 22

1.When Milady arrived at the convent in Bethune who else was there?  How did Milady plan to make use of her?

  • Madame Bonacieux was there at the convent in Bethune.  Milady wants to take her as a hostage to escape and to take revenge on the musketeers.

2. Describe Milady’s plan and explain why it failed?  What did she do to madame Bonacieux?

  • Milady wants to take Madame Bonacieux as a hostage so she told madame Bonacieux that cardinal guards are coming to kidnap her in disguise.  But her plan was failed as madame Bonacieux saw the guards were not cardinals but they were musketeers.  Milady in anger as she failed gave poisoned drink to madame Bonacieux and killed her.

3. Who joined the musketeers in their pursuit of Milady?  How did they know she had gone to Armentieres?

  • The unknown man called Count of Rochefort joined the musketeers in their pursuit of Milady.  By chance he dropped a note which was taken by Lord Winter.  He gave it to the three musketeers.  They found Milady’s handwriting.  It bore the word “Armentieres”.

 Chapter 23

1. Describe Athos’s secret visit to the tall dark man?

  • At 10 o’clock Athos went to a small town there he met a beggar and gave half a crown to him and the beggar took Athos to a dark and lonely path t a small house.  Athos knocked the door three times and it was opened by a man, tall and white faced, with black hair and beard. They had a discussion in a low voice, then the tall man made a sign to the musketeers that he might come in.

 2. Who was the man in the red cloak?  Tell his story in your own words?

  • Count of Rochefort was the man in the red clock. When Milady was young she made a young priest to love her with her cunning charm.  They both ran away stealing the holy cups from the church.  Both were then arrested and the executioner the count of Rochefort, the elder brother of the young priest branded them.  Both were imprisoned but they escaped and fled into Berry, there they lived as brother and sister for the world.  Soon evil Milady left the young priest and married honest Athos.  They young priest returned to his home and mad with grief.  After knowing that his brother the executioner had been imprisoned in his place when he had escaped with Milady, he surrendered to the police and hanged himself in prison that same night.

 3. Give the various crimes Milady was accused of.  What  happened to her at the end of the story?

  • Milady stole the diamond studs to create misunderstanding between the kind and queen.

  • She was the spy of the Cardinals.

  • Milady poisoned Madame Bonacieux and killed her.

  • She provoked John Felton to kill the Duke of Buckingham.

  • Brother of Lord Winter was killed by Milady as she is greedy of power.

  • Made the young priest to steal the holy cups in the name of love and destroyed his life

  • Betrayed Athos

  • Three musketeers, Lord Winter and the Count of Rochefort came forward with swords.  Milady committed crimes against both men and God.  So, the Executioner held his sword and executed her in a boat on the river and her body was dropped into the depths of the river.  So ended her wicked life.

                                                                     The End

















Still  more to come....


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