FORESHADOW in Romeo and Juliet

 What is Foreshadow ?  Give the way it has been used in Romeo and Juliet with Examples?

  • one of the Dramatic technique
  • stimulate the audience's interest
  • provides certain hints about events which could appear
  • Dialogues provides clues about the tragic events later.


1) “A Pair of star crosses lovers take their life” (prologue)

  • The prologue foreshadows about the ill-fated double suicide of the young lovers.  “star crossed” gives a hint to the role fate will play which lead to the death of Romeo and Juliet.

2) “Doth with their death bury their parent’s strife” (prologue)

  • Double suicide of the lovers brings peace to the feud families.

3) “I fear too early for my mind misgives……………………. Untimely death.” (i.iv)

  • Romeo refuses to attend Capulet’s party.  Romeo felt that would result in his untimely demise.  This become true later.

4) “I will withdraw………… bitt’rest gall.”

  • Tybalt foreshadows his encounter with Romeo would magnify into violent animosity.

5) “My life, were better……… of they love” (ii.ii)

  • Important foreshadow occurs during the balcony scene.  He says he would prefer death to a life without Juliet’s companionship.  This later proves to be true.

6) “Then love – devouring death………….. mine.” (

  • Romeo exclaims to Friar Lawrence that his marriage to Juliet would result in his death.  He prefers the marriage as he believes he could not live with his love.  But he could not avoid the two deaths, Mercutio and Tybalt both are important to Romeo in two different ways.

7) “So smile the heavens…….. chide us not.” (

  • Tragic death of Lady Montague, Paris, Romeo and Juliet are foreshadowed by Friar Lawrence.  When he was presiding over the secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet.  Friar Lawrence wishes and rays that Romeo and Juliet’s holy marriage may not result in anything unfortunate.

8) “Wisely and slow…. Run fast”  (ii.iv)

  • Predicted by Friar Lawrence.  He warns the young lovers that their passionate hasty action may lead to violent and sad ends.

9) “o God I have an ill – diving soul……..of a tomb.”

  • Juliet bids farewell to Romeo after their first night after their marriage.  Juliet feels something horrific will happen.

10) “Delay this marriage for a month…………………………. Tybalt lies” (iii.v)

  • Juliet pleads with her mother not to force her to marry Paris.  She warns her mother that if she married against her desire her resting bed will be the same tomb where Tybalt lies.



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