


Vivimarie Vanderpoorten


On the day the truckload

Of explosives

Drove into the central bank,

For a long second

Time staggered

All sounds of a workday morning

In the city

Even the cawing of the crows

Merged into a solitary


Prism of fire and fury


Lives ended

Eyes were blinded

Retired wage earners

Collecting provident funds

Were crushed

Under brick and glass

The nearby vegetable seller’s

Hands were severed

Like cucumbers,

Women in sari

Held their eyeballs in their palms

And blood spattered

The streets,

Erasing memory.


Out of the broken window

Of a damaged car

Dead driver

The radio blared, unscathed

On a commercial break

A man’s plesant voice


That big or small, insurance

Protects them all.






Vivimarie Vanderpoorten

Vivimarie Vanderpoorten is a Sri Lankan poet.  She was born in Kandy and brought up in Kurunegala.   She is a BA graduate from the University of Kelaniya and received her MA and PhD from the University of Ulster, UK.  She is working as a senior lecturer in English literature at the Open University of Sri Lanka.  Her first work “Nothing Prepares You” was published in 2007.  Here second work (2010) collection of poems, “Stitch Your Eyelids Shut” deals with feminism and the effects of the Civil War.  She made her opinion to the murder of Lasantha Wickrematunge in the form of poem at the Galle Literary Festival in 2011.  She was influenced by Maya Angelou and Kamala Das.   Her work has been translated into many languages such as Spanish, Sinhalese and Swedish.    Here works have been published in India and UK.  She won the Gratiaen Prize in 2007 and SAARC Poetry Award in 2009.


Summary of the poem

The poem talks about the painful event of the bomb attack by the LTTE the rebel movement on the Central Bank of Sri Lanka on 31st January, in 1996.  The attack was on 31st January 1996, a disastrous attack by the LTTE rebells on a capital building killing over a 80 people and thousand were injured.


Detail analysis


Stanza 1

On the day the truckload

Of explosives

Drove into the central bank,

For a long second

Time staggered

All sounds of a workday morning

In the city

Even the cawing of the crows

Merged into a solitary


Prism of fire and fury


The poem starts with the description of the tragic event step by step.  The day started with a new hopes for all in January. But the truck loaded with explosives drove into the Central Bank like a human hunter.  The day was quite busy with workload in the bank.  But the BOOM made the even the cawing of the crows stopped suddenly for a minute all became fire and fury.  There is nothing except the smoke and fire.  The sound of the explosives silenced and froze that day.  Each sentence tries to describe the tragedy but the poet finds it difficult to express his emotions.

The auditory images are used to bring out the unimaginable attack and the aftermath of the attack

Sound of work day morning, brings the busy day of the office.  Cawing of the crows and the Boom sound are unpleasant noises.  “Time staggered” personifies crippled time which could not move by itself, for it has been controlled by the terrorism.


“Prism of fire and fury” metaphorically says the disastrous nature of the explosion. Everything the poet introduces in the first stanza bring visual images to the readers.

“On the day the truckload of explosives Drove into the central bank,” “prism of fire and fury”




Stanza 2


Lives ended

Eyes were blinded

Retired wage earners

Collecting provident funds

Were crushed

Under brick and glass

The nearby vegetable seller’s

Hands were severed

Like cucumbers,

Women in sari

Held their eyeballs in their palms

And blood spattered

The streets,

Erasing memory.


The stanza reveals the painful memory of the explosion.  Lives ended, many died, many innocent people lost their lives physically and mentally.  Many people lost their vision due to the explosion.  The poet wants to say the pathetic condition of that day where the common people, the retired wage earners were collecting their provident funds.  They were all in a minute became ash.  They were crushed under the brick and glass.  The vegetable seller lost his hands, they were butchered like the pieces of cucumbers. The woman in saree was holding her eyeballs in their palms and the blood covered the streets.  These painful memories could not be erased.  Never healing wounds.  The scars are still there and pains a lot.  The effect of the bomb was so devastating.  The poet uses various ways to express the pain of the victims.  The visual images “Women in saree held their eyeball in their palms”,” blood spattered the street”, “and the vegetable seller’s Hands were severed like cucumbers,” the readers could feel the severity of the attack and how only the innocent people were killed with no reason, the poet perfectly conveys the message of the futility of war which could be so cruel and devastating.  The brutal scene is so overwhelming, and the description never going to make a person to see the poetical techniques inside each word and line.  The description is point blank to give the message.


Stanza 3


Out of the broken window

Of a damaged car

Dead driver

The radio blared, unscathed

On a commercial break

A man’s plesant voice


That big or small, insurance

Protects them all.


The last stanza which again expresses the outcome of the brutal attack on the innocent civilians.   The description takes the readers to see the damaged car which the dead drives lying inside lifeless.  But the radio inside the car broadcasting an advertisement on insurance policies.  The advertisement says “insurance protects them all”   the poet has used the irony in a perfect situation.  The insurance cannot protects anyone when there is no grantee for the innocent people in such a war torn country.  Again the visual images and auditory images play a vital role in this stanza.  Broken window, a damaged car, and the dead driver take us to the location. The influence of the visual images were so effective. And the auditory sounds such as “radio blared, a man’s pleasant voice announced.  Very effective irony.  The contrast effect could be felt in the dead driver and the pleasant voice. 


It is a free verse poem.  All can understand and feel the pain.  The title moves the readers to go to the next lines with wounding minds.  It creates the image of blasting to the mind.  The short lines with ironical usage of words create a sad tone to the poem.


The poem thus brings out the pain of the small Island.  It was torn by war for the past thirty years.  The poet shows the suffering of the civilians. War is futile.  It does nothing but destruction to the nation. It kills the peace and happiness of the people.  Who benefits? War is not the solution.  War only gives pain and suffering to the mankind.   


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