Soliloquy in Romeo and Juliet

Soliloquy conveys a character’s inner feelings by him or herself or by the character.

Examples for Soliloquy from Romeo and Juliet:

1. “It is the East and Juliet is the sun”

  • Uttered by Romeo after his meeting with Juliet at the Capulet ball.  It expresses Romeo’s love and admiration for Juliet.  Overwhelmed with love for her.

 2. “What’s in a name? …………. without that title”

  • Expressed by Juliet, emotional soliloquy.  Her feelings for Romeo, Juliet passionately feel that the fragrance of rose would remain unchanged.  Even its name changes likewise Romeo would remain precious even if he addressed by any other name.

 3. “For naught so vile that on the Earth doth live………abuse (ii.iii)

  • Friar Lawrence explain the importance of all living things in the world.  Nothing is evil as earth does not get anything.  Also, he points out all possess good and evil.  Every good and evil have the capacity to transform a person.

 4. “The clock struck nine when I did send the nurse………sun’s beams” (ii.v)

  • Juliet said when she was eagerly waiting for her nurse.  She says this as nurse did return in time.  This confused Juliet and forced to think that her nurse would not have met Romeo.  Then again, she blames her Nurse that she may be slow.  She wants the messengers of love should be faster than the sun’s beams.  This shows her impatience and anxiety.

 5. “Come, gentle night; come,loving black-browed night,…….in love with night”   (iii.ii)

  • Juliet expresses her love for Romeo while waiting for her him.  She urges the night to come soon so as to see Romeo.

 6. “Farewell, god knows when we shall meet again…. My dismal scene I need s must act alone” (iv.iii)

  • Juliet expresses her pain before drinking the sleeping potion.  She bids farewell to her loved ones.  She knows the chilling fear that runs down her spine and she want her nurse to comfort her.

 7. “Mistress!  What, mistress! Juliet fast I warrant What, not a word?””  (iv.v)

  • Juliet's Nurse after seeing Juliet’s complete unresponsive silence.  The nurse’s fearful reaction makes the audience to know the face tat Juliet’s death was fake and planned by Juliet and Friar Lawrence.

 8. “I dream my lady came and found me dead…………. was an emperor” (v.i)

  •  It was said by Romeo.  He says that he had a dream in which Juliet found him dead and kissed him when he was brought back to life.

 9. “Sweet flower, with flowers they bridal bed I strew……………weep” (v.iii)

  • Sadly, expressed by Paris while showering flowers near Juliet’s tomb.  Paris is able to get the sympathy form the audience because of this soliloquy.

 10. “He told me Paris should have married Juliet…………. misfortune’s book” (v.iii)

  • Romeo says this after killing Count Paris.  Romeo could not think clearly.  In an agonizing sadness Romeo expresses that Paris and he are similar experiencing bad fortune.  This soliloquy shows Romeo’s guilt and remorse.














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